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MosquitoThe habitat is rainforests and other warm areas of the world where water is present. It's diet is plant juices, nectar, and blood. It's enemies are bats, birds, other insects, and humans.
Mosquitos are ever-present in rainforests, particularly in the rainy season. There are over 2,500 species of mosquitos. It is the females who suck blood from hosts such as humans and other animals. They need the blood to help feed their eggs. The eggs of a mosquito are laid on the surface of a pool of water and that is where the babies are born. The life span of a mosquito is very short. Depending on the species it may range from 10 days to as long as a couple of months.
The high-pitched humming sounds that mosquitos make is caused by the frequency of their wingbeats. Mosquitoes are known to transmit such serious diseases as yellow fever, malaria, filariasis, and dengue. Mosquitos are fast breeders and adults mate shortly after they are born.
There are three important mosquito genera.
- The Genus Anopheles, is the only known carrier of malaria.
- The genus Culex carries viral encephalitis and flariasis.
- The genus Aedes is a carrier of yellow fever, dengue, and encephalitis.



ScorpionThe habitat is tropical rainforests. It's diet is mainly insects and spiders. It's enemies are some snakes and larger animals.
Scorpions belong to the class Arachnida (same as spiders). There are more than 1,000 species of scorpions in the world. Many times after they mate, the female will eat the male. Scorpion babies develop in the mother and are born alive. They stay on the mother's back for about 12 days. They can live 6-7 years. They are nocturnal and during the day most species will burrow under stones or logs. Scorpions have a venomous stinger on the tip of their tail. They use their venom to kill prey or to warn others to stay away. They can range from half an inch to seven inches long. Their large front pincers are used to grasp prey and kill it. They will then suck the tissues from their prey. Some species of scorpions have a "deadly" sting and other species carry less potent venom.



TarantulaThe habitat is tropical North and South America, Southwest United States, Africa, Asia, Australia, Caribbean, New Zealand and other hot and humid countries. It's diet is insects, mice, small frogs, toads, and large beetles. It's enemies is humans, large birds and snakes.
Spiders belong to the class Arachnida (same as scorpions). There are about 800 species of tarantula. Tarantulas and all spiders have 8 legs. A few species appear to have 10 legs, but the extra two are actually arms. The tarantula is mainly nocturnal and comes out at night to stalk prey. They hide during the day in trees and under logs. Females have been known to live for 20 years in captivity. Has large fangs which hold and puncture its prey. Its teeth mashes the prey and the tarantula sucks the prey's tissues. It does not swallow solid food. The bite of a tarantula is extremely painful but for humans not fatal. Tarantulas are venomous. They use their fangs to inject poison into their prey. The strength of the tarantula venom varies from specie to specie. Tarantulas are very sluggish in movement. They can grow up to two inches in body size but appear much bigger because of their furry long legs.



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